Professional Income Tax Filing for Free
More people should know about this! Some states have free tax filing events and locations. People with low to moderate income can take advantage of this incredible event. These events are have professional tax preparers who are trained to help people get their maximum tax credit and deduction.What and where is this free tax filing thing you are talking about?
The Free Tax Filing Kick Off event, at least where I live, is called "Super Saturday." If you miss the event, there's various filing locations that will file your taxes for free. For Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Orleans and Texas, visit the ETIC Website to find out the nearest filing locations.As for the other states, a simple google search can let you know if free tax filing is offered in your area. I just googled "Free Tax Filing Super Saturday" and information for Alaska and Michigan appeared.
I wish there was one website that had a link to all locations nationwide that I can give you, but I don't.